Get your NY Metro Challenge Coins!

Help support NY Metro!

NY Metro Challenge Coins are being minted and will be available for sale the first week of June. For a tax deductible $20 donation we will send you a 1 ½ inch collectible coin featuring art work from our old bass drum on one side and our new bass drum on the other side listing some of our highlights. If you are interested we offer Pay Pal as a convenience to pay and we will mail the coin to you from a thankful rank and file.  


Since the early 1930s, custom challenge coins have been used to promote friendships, strengthen bonds, and encourage success. For a nearly a century, military personnel have created personalized challenge coins and used them to raise awareness and funds, educate the public about pressing issues, and honor exceptional individuals within a unit in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.   

Fun:  If you have a coin you can challenge someone from within our ranks to produce their coin. If they don’t have it they buy you a drink. If they produce it you have to buy them a drink.